Chasing Lenin – The Belarus Edition

Continuing on from my previous posts, Jessie The Wandering Kiwi and I continued to chase monuments to Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov aka Lenin (1870 – 1924) and other Soviet leader in Eastern Europe, along with those dedicated to the glory of the former Soviet Union. This time in Belarus. The massive Lenin statue in front of the…

Chasing Lenin – The Moldova Edition

Continuing on from my previous post, my friend Jessie (The Wandering Kiwi) and I were recently travelling together  in the Wild Wild East of Europe (Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, Belarus and Poland) and we decided we wanted to track down statues, monuments and the like dedicated to the glory of the former Soviet Union and in…

Chasing Lenin – The Ukraine Edition

Hi All, Given my limited blogging on this page for some time, you could easily be mistaken for thinking I have not been travelling much but on the contrary I pretty much haven’t stopped travelling for the past year! I just lost the drive to blog about it! Don’t worry I am still going to…

Tanks, Roll Out!

At the recent Flying Heritage Collection Skyfair 2014 at Paine Field in Everett, Washington they had a little diversion from the aviation displays. A part of their collection includes World War Two tanks and on this event they were driving around their American M4A1 Sherman and Soviet era KMDB (Main Design Bureau) T-34/85 medium tanks….

Canadian War Museum – Part II: LeBreton Gallery

The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, Canada is a must see for anyone interested in military history. The displays of equipment and vehicles is impressive and covers the entire scope of Canada’s military history from the First Nations and Colonial times to the modern age. My previous blog covered the majority of the display halls, but my favourite part of the…

Canadian War Museum – Part I

When visiting Ottawa in Ontario, Canada if you have any interest in military history you must not miss the world-class Canadian War Museum. The impressive looking museum covers every period in which Canadians have been involved in some form of conflict and the main galleries are in historical chronological order. The galleries start out with Battleground which covers…

East German Communism vs. the perils of the Free West!

I have always been fascinated by Communist history and have travelled to many countries in Eastern Europe and Asia under former and current Communist rule. in reality it was a very dark time in history. For all the ideology and the supposed better way of life, it was a time of struggle, fear and cruelty…

Hello Moscow…R​iga calling…​.anyone home?…..​..Moscow?

In May 2010 I decided to leave my job in Australia and travel around the world before moving to the USA. This journey ended up involving travelling in 18 countries on 4 continents (North America, Europe, Asia and Australia) and taking me around the world 1.5 times over a 12 month period! I wrote a…